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Punta Lobo - Then and Now
Punta Lobo - Then and Now
When I journey to Baja, Mexico Punta Lobo is one place I visit. The activity is captivating. Fisherman, pelicans, seabirds, desert, and ocean all transcend into to an orchestra of sight, sound, and smell. I walk away with a vision of continuity, a sense of how truly beautiful this planet is, and dinner (fresh caught fish from the days catch).
This year I left with a heavy heart, saddened by the recent development of impending condos. I took my photos for Por el Planeta photo contest, Ma purchased dinner, and we went home to Los Cerritos to enjoy dinner with my Aunt.
When news of the contest arrived vie email I though how serendipitous, I happen to be going to Mexico (a special category for photos taken in Mexico). Also, the contest closing dead line happened to be one week after I returned! I was excited to enter, and have a chance to win big. Naturally, dismayed when I realized I didn't win.
Weeks pass, Ma sends an article regarding Punta Lobo, and the communities reaction. It's a hot topic, and rightly so. I was pleased, and hopeful this opposition might derail what is happening. More time passes, Ma sends a link for Truth Santos on facebook. This is when I realize perhaps the REAL reason for my journey was not conservation photography for a photo contest, but to contribute to a greater cause, and help spread the word.
I am grateful to Por el Planeta for encouraging me to follow my talent, and make me courageous to enter a world wide contest on conservation photography. Second, opening a door to a new realm on an important topic.
Apparently the universe had a different plan. I only hope I have created something it had intended. Please leave the desert alone.
Truth Santos website:
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